I mentioned in an earlier post that last year our staff served over 4,000 volunteer hours in the communities we serve. Those hours help the United Way, Sweetser Home for Children, Caring Unlimited, Heart of Biddeford, Junior Achievement, Maine Children’s Cancer Fund, and too many other agencies to list. Our employees help at fundraising events and serve on Boards of Directors. The Bank also provides over $100,000 a year of donations and sponsorships. Those of us who serve truly enjoy it. In addition to serving our communities this work allows us to connect with neighbors, to learn, and to teach. The connections come from working alongside other volunteers in support of strong communities. We learn about the needs present in our communities and the great work being done to address those needs. Finally, we teach about citizenship by example and we frequently go into schools to teach about financial literacy. All of these activities enrich our lives while strengthening our communities.